We Have a Slogan Ladies and Gentlemen!
Beyond the Lens

We Have a Slogan Ladies and Gentlemen!

As I continue to prepare for the official launch of Hard Copy Memories, I find myself thinking about this business every single day. We’re in the pre-launch phase right now, and while I’m accepting pre-orders, I don’t consider Hard Copy Memories truly launched yet. To me, the launch will happen when everything is in place to create and send out a photo magnet the same day someone places an order. That will be the moment we officially "open our doors".

In the meantime, I’ve been reflecting on what drives me and why this business means so much to me. Just today, as I was driving into the office, I found myself thinking about the excitement I feel whenever I think about Hard Copy Memories. Why is this business so close to my heart?

And then it hit me: it’s because I’ve always been in love with physical photos. I realized that what I want to do is help people fall back in love with those hard copy memories. There’s something special about holding a photo, displaying it, sharing it—it’s a connection that’s hard to replicate digitally. That moment of clarity led me to what I believe is the heart of my brand.

I’m excited to share what might be the perfect slogan for Hard Copy Memories: “Fall back in love with hard copy memories.” It encapsulates everything I want this business to be about. It perfectly sums up my vision: to bring back that sense of nostalgia, joy, and meaning that comes from holding a memory in your hands.

I can’t wait for the day when everything is in place and I can finally share this passion with the world. Thank you for being part of this journey with me—I hope you’re ready to fall back in love with your hard copy memories, too.

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